Monday, November 13, 2006

Shoulda stayed in bed...

I'm thinking I should have stayed in bed this morning.

1. My sister calls at 7:30 this morning and tells me that she was in a car accident on her way to work. It happened on Verot School Road near Heleaux's Grocery Store. Someone with a big truck hit her from behind and she flew into the car in front of her. Luckily, she wasn't injured. But her Mitsubishi Eclipse was.

2. My baby girl has to have an MRI on her ankle. No big deal... MRIs are simple tests, right? Wrong. Since she's little, she can't be still for the MRI, so they have to put her to sleep. Mama is freakin out right now.

3. My aunt called and said that at noon they had to put her beloved doggie Noah down. He had been sick for a few weeks, but other than that, he's been perfectly healthy, so this is coming out of nowhere. She is very sad over the loss. And this is only noon...

4. 3:30... I leave school and go by the bank to cash a check. While I'm there, some guy in the next lane waves at me and says, "You're engine is smoking." I'm like OKAY someone shoot me. What is the deal with today??!!! So I had to go to Hampton Mitsubishi (side note- I would NEVER buy from Mark Hampton again, but that's another story...) to let them service the car. Turns out that it was some hoses that had cracked and were leaking cooling fluid all over the engine. $130+ for parts...

So I decided I better get home before the sky falls. I stopped off at Wal-Mart to get Hannah some more bananas and rice cereal (yes, she still has rotavirus...) and as I was walking to the checkout area, there was an elderly lady walking past me with a shirt on that caught my eye. It said "Get Over It." I took this as a word from God and decided I need to get over it and not fret. Things could be so much worse.

Then when I got into my car, the song "God of All" came on. Look at the lyrics:

God of all... we come to praise You
We lift Your name on high in all the earth
God of all we come to praise You
We lift Your name on high in all the earth

God of glory
God of majesty
God of mercy
We lift Your name on high
God of all

God of holiness
God of righteousness
God of heaven
We lift Your name on high
God of all

God is the God of ALL. Of EVERYTHING. Even the God of all the turmoil and frustration that my family is going through. I praised Him for that gentle reminder.

"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." ~ Ephesians 6:10

God keeps giving me this scripture. I guess I haven't gotten it yet that He really does have the power to get us through everything. He is the God of all, after all...


Blogger ChalanThibodeaux said...

Man, what a rough day. Hope today was a little better for you. Will be praying for you :)

11:13 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Thanks, man.
Praise God everything worked itself out. Even though Tammy has whiplash from the wreck, at least she wasn't hurt in it. Hannah did fine during her MRI and we got good results. And my car was just a hose leaking coolant on the engine. God is good, all the time. :)

8:31 PM  

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