Thursday, October 05, 2006



o·ver·flow: to flow or run over the top, brim, or banks; To be filled beyond capacity; To have a boundless supply; be superabundant.
To spread or cover over; flood; To cause to fill beyond capacity.
The act of overflowing. Something that flows over; an excess.
(American Heritage Dictionary)

Christ's idea of overflowing:

"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." 1 Thessalonians 3:12

This verse is our choir's key verse for this season. The goal of this is to show the audience that we have such love for the Father and for each other that it literally spills over into the congregation, drawing them closer to the Lord in the process. We know that time spent in the word produces a harvest in our own lives. But I'm learning that time spent with other Christians within a ministry where you serve together can produce friendships that go beyond the casual and into the significance of the eternal. My heart's desire is that this year, our bonds within our ministry at East Bayou will be so evident that the unchurched can sense this passion we have for the Lord, and then desire it for themselves. If we accomplish this, I feel that God will be honored by all we do. Afterall, our church's mission is to reach the lost for Christ and to build them up into believers. Our ministry falls under that mission, and with overflowing love for each other and for the Lord, we will reach many for His kingdom. Whoa... to think that something as simple as that can have lasting effects on others.... awesome.


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