Saturday, August 26, 2006

Allen Breaux Rocks... part two

Today I took my portraits to the store to be professionally mounted onto frames. As I was standing there, it dawned on me that I spent a FORTUNE for these pics. And while they are ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, no one will be able to see them on my blog! I just had to show you what they look like so you can see how great Allen Breaux did.
The way I see it, as long as I don't photocopy these pics to be reprinted, I'm not commiting a crime, right? And as far as Allen Breaux goes, they will be thrilled that I'm posting their work because it's free advertisement. Besides, I had to show you how great these pics came out. How many of you will actually come to my house?
Here they are! I took my camera and took the shot of the pictures already framed, then used my editing software to crop out the frames and do some color enhancements. They are still very RAW, since they are a picture of a picture, but at least it gives you the idea of how great they came out...

The photographer told me that the reason this shot is the 'money-maker' shot is because of the eyes. He captured her innocence in her eyes.

We did this shot in a sepia tone because it made the picture seem timeless. She sat up like such a big girl in her little lounge chair. Priceless.

Here is our happy family. This shot is the single reason that we went to Allen Breaux Studios. I knew that they could capture a family portrait that I would love and be proud to hang in my home. He did a great job, eh?


Blogger Susan said...

You are right, those photos are amazing. I'm blown away. Thanks for scanning them so we (I) could see :)

11:42 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Glad you like them! I was really impressed with them. I'm sure I'll go back again... although I may have to rob a bank or win the lotto to pay for it... ha ha ha!

10:20 PM  

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