Saturday, August 12, 2006


I wonder what makes me so happy when I'm on the beach... perhaps it's the sound of the ocean's waves hitting the shore and feeling the spray of the salt water on my skin. Perhaps it's the ocean breeze that's cool even in hot August weather. Or perhaps it's the sun. Something happens to me when I'm on the beach. I feel this intrensic pull to the Lord that I don't feel any other place than at the beach. Well, the mountains maybe, or on a still lake. But it really gets to me when I'm near the ocean. When I was having my morning devotional time the last morning of our trip, I decided to meditate. Now, for those of you who really KNOW me, you know that my brain rushes about a thousand miles a minute. So for me, meditation is a very hard concept. I do not come by this easily. Nevertheless, I decided to give it a try. The word says to be STILL and KNOW. So I was still. I closed my eyes, and just concentrated on the wholeness of the Lord.

As I was meditating, I could physically hear the ocean calm down. It was as if for a split second, God turned off the waves and the noise and all I heard was stillness. Then out of nowhere, a HUGE wave just rushed to the beach and pounded the shore with much more intensity than the standard 7am tide. In that moment, I heard God say "I am ALL POWERFUL." I stay still and restled with this thought. I know God's powerful. Why does He feel He needs to say this to me, right now? So I thought some more. As I meditated, I knew why God told me this. Sometimes in my weak fleshly self, I want to do things on my own, and I just assume God is too busy or my mundane little problem is too small to bother God with it. But when I thought about how God controls every wave, every bit of sand, every motion on the earth and throughout the universe, I realized that nothing is too small or too large for God. I praise Him for His power.

Then I read Psalm 24:
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness of it,
the world and they who dwell in it.
For He has founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the currents and rivers.
Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord?
Or who shall stand in His Holy Place?
Those who have clean hands and a pure heart,
who has not lifted himself up to what is false..."

Mighty Awesome Wonderful is the Holy Lord of Lords...


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