Saturday, December 08, 2007

Is there a blog boycot that I don't know about?!

I just wanted to say that no one blogs anymore. Has blogging already become passe?? Please tell me it's not so!! But as I search all my pal's blogs tonight, most of them haven't posted in MONTHS! I'm wondering what has gone wrong with the bloggers of my generation.

Missing you guys!!

(guess I should get on the phone and actually CALL you.... like we used to do in the olden days before computers and texting... ) hehehehehehehehehehee.....


Blogger Heather said...

I'm still here!! :-)

9:14 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Glad to know you're still surfing the blogs in cyberspace, Heather!! :) Blessings to you!

8:28 PM  
Blogger heather young said...

I think I've been so busy ~ that my brain is fried and by the time I look at blogs I don't have anything left to say. The spark plugs just aren't connecting ~ know what I'm saying:) I think next week will be slower and I can just read and think and pray so I have something of worth to post. Crazy!! Oh yeah, Caryn, thanks for giving my children pink eye!!!! Just joking. They're really fine, just contagious. Love you. Happy Birthday by the way. I was out of pocket, sorry.

10:20 PM  

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