Monday, August 27, 2007

Eight Random Things About Me

Okay, I've been tagged by Heather to do this entry, so here we go. I have NO idea what I'm going to type... only I am going to type the first thing that comes to mind.

Random things about myself...

1. I wished I lived anywhere but Louisiana. I fantasize about living on the West Coast, maybe Oregon... or in Lucca, Italy (lived there in 1995). Or even in the east, like South Carolina- mountains and beaches so close... anywhere but here. Such a shame, this discontentment! :)

2. I have a REALLY overactive imagination. I dream a LOT. I remember a lot of dreams too. Most of them are insane.

3. I gave up drinking sodas in July. I am six weeks clean and sober from Diet Coke. It's a miracle. HAHAHA! The Lord has released me from my dt coke demon!!

4. I had a roommate who can alphabetize the letters in any sentence. For example, if I said, "Hi, Karen, how are you?" She would say "a e h i k n 0 r u w y" and she would be exactly correct. It's freaky. And she can do instantly without a pen or paper. It's amazing. Another roommate of mine in college could say anything you said to her BACKWARDS. If I said, "Hi, Michelle, how are you?" She'd say "You are how Michelle Hi" in no time flat. It's insane. I'm surrounded by crazy folks.

5. I love peanut butter. I could live on PB&J.

6. I've never seen any horror movies. None of the Freddy movies, none of the Friday the 13th stuff, no Halloween stuff, nothing. My overactive imagination prevents me from watching them. I'd say it was the Holy Spirit protecting my mind. Once when I was in 1oth grade, a group of friends started watching the Exorcist and I got up and called my dad to come get me. I was a sophomore. Do you think I looked cool? Not even. I didn't know the Lord then, but maybe He was protecting my mind even back then. What a great God we have!

7. I wish I was pregnant. Well, I wish I could feel pregnancy again.
(The verdict is still out if I want another kid in our house to chase around and fuss at with a naughty stick. HAHAHAHAHHA.)

8. I'm always reading something. Everyone told me "you'll never have time to read once you have a baby" but I still find time to read. I HAVE to read or else my spiritual life would suffer. That's how I'm learning to keep full!

Okay, I'm all done... I'm not sure if this stuff is random, but it's the first thing I could think of! If I had more time I'd think of some much funnier stuff, i'm sure!!!

PS... I got my camera out of the shop today, and it is now even WORSE than when I first put it in the shop!!! I kid you not. It's not getting any light into the lens. They must have royally screwed up the lens when they repaired it, but now I have the joy of sending it off AGAIN and waiting another two weeks for it to be repaired. I need prayers tonight.

PSS--- another random thing going on in my life right now... Hannah had an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite on her arm and it swelled up to the size of half a golf ball tonight. The dr said it was probably a localized reaction. GREATTTTTTTTT....


Blogger Heather said...

I'm so with you on your #1!!! I need what you've accomplished in your #3! I need God to release me from my caffeine demon!!!
~Emily has the same problem with mosquito bites when she gets them on her head!! It looks scary!!! I hope you get your camera back soon completely fixed, just like new!!!:-)

8:58 PM  
Blogger heather young said...

the camera deal would drive me absolutely crazy!!!! i soul soars in the mountains. even though the Lord is omni-present, it sure seems like He lives there. i wish i could do that alphabetize the letters thing - that's awesome.

2:20 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Hey Heather M! I don't want to mislead you... I DO feed my caffeine machine inside me... I still drink tea every day. I'm just free from my Dt. Coke habit. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I gotta have my caffeine! :)

9:09 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Hey Heather YOUNG...
About the camera... It's boggling my mind. I have it out right now and it will take fairly bright pictures as long as I have the shutter wide open and the iso to 1600. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT??!! I'm so miffed. But the way I'm deciding to look at this is that God is giving me a hiatis from my camera habit and that He wants me to fill my time up with HIM. More of Him is so satifying that I'm not worrying about my camera so much!! :)

9:11 PM  
Blogger Brandie Thibodeaux said...

AMEN SISTA:) By the way I am with you on #6:)

11:21 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Hey Brandie... You need your own blog!!! If you have one, I need the address! It's YOUR turn to do this survey! :)

7:03 AM  

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