Tuesday, October 02, 2007

At Last...

At last!

At last!

I have my camera again! Miracle of miracles!!

This has been a two month saga in my life, and for anyone out there in cyberspace with an obsessive hobby like photography, you understand my pain. That camera is like a third arm for me. It's an extension of myself, a part of my body, a way I communicate through the lens, and how I express myself. It's a way to capture a moment in time, a memory to last for a lifetime, and when that's ripped from you it's like having part of your arm cut off.
Okay... I exaggerate, but you get my point. It's been a long two months. And with a toddler running around doing crazy things, it's fun to get it all on camera to be able to show her in years to come what kind of antics she pulled as a little tike.
Let me say for the record that Best Buy's manager Mark Stelly was AWESOME to me. He is a very young manager, and he heard my sob story and made an executive decision to junk the camera and get me another one just like mine from off the floor. It was BRAND NEW! I couldn't believe it. I am no longer a Best Buy Basher, thanks to Mr. Stelly.

But on a spiritual note, I have to say one thing about the camera that is connected to the Lord. Being without my camera freed up much of my time at night when I would have usually been up late editing my photos and doing postings on my blogs and photo streams. Instead, I have been able to use this free time to get my home squared away, to pay more attention to my husband and to Hannah. But most importantly, my quiet time with God has SOARED these last two months. It's been an amazing adventure and I'm not about to push that time out in order to start doing pictures again. I'll have my camera with me, but now I have my hobby where it should be... after God, Family, and everything else that matters. It's all about priorities.

"Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living." ~Romans 6:16


Blogger heather young said...

i'm so happy for you. although i am very glad about the time you spent with the Lord and the adjusting of priorities. God showed you all of that from a stinking camera. what an amazing God we serve!!! Amen? Amen!!

8:16 AM  
Blogger Mr. and Mrs. D said...

God is good! Glad your passion for Him is being reignited. Mine too! Praise God.

10:40 AM  
Blogger heather young said...

Hey Caryn, I commented a few days ago, but it never showed up. Anyways..... so glad that you are with camera again. But also rejoicing in all that the Lord showed you. Blessings.

7:47 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Hey Heather and "Mrs. D"...

God IS good. He is awesome and mighty to save and I am just so blessed to have Him at the top of my life again. It's a good spot for Him to be at, ya know? He deserves the top spot. And I was tired of holding my SELF up there for so long... :)

8:46 PM  

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