Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Doing Better...

Tammy is doing well after her surgery. It's been a long two weeks, but she has handled everything like a real trooper and I have been encouraged by her strength. If I were the one facing all that she has faced, I don't think I would have been as strong. She is in some moderate to severe pain but has managed to get around quite a bit.
We have had so much support and love through this entire ordeal that it's hard to get down about it. The church family has cooked meals for our family, and all our friends aand family have supported us with prayers, cards, and she's received the most gorgeous bouquets of flowers!! God has shown his face to us through this time and we can now say we know him as "our healer" and "our provider." He is our strong tower.
"For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe."
~Psalm 61:3


Blogger Julie said...

Praising and praying to our Father in Heaven with you all.

9:51 PM  
Blogger caryn said...

Thanks, girlie. Keep those prayers coming. Final pathology is due in two weeks, so we'll know then what she's facing. Hopefully it'll be CLEAR!!!!!! And please pray for MEDICAID to come through. The medical bills are already coming in. UG.

1:19 PM  

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