Saturday, May 26, 2007

Our New Addition

Yes, our family has a new addition...

A brand new, 2007 Honda Civic ES!!!!!!!
Our financial plan was NOT to buy a new car. I was hoping to run my Mitsubishi into the ground. Turns out, I already did. In November my engine started smoking, so we took it into Hampton (truly, the worst dealership in town) and the "mechanics" (for lack of a better word) told me that there wasn't anything wrong with the car. Well, it kept smoking off and on for seven months now. Two weeks ago, I brought the car in to get a quick oil change, and the oil guy told me that I had a bad oil leak and would need to bring it into a mechanic. I brought it into A-1 on Verot and the mechanic there put the car on lifts and brought me to look at it. He told me that the MASSIVE oil leak was the least of my problems. He said that I had blown both gaskets (whatever that is) and the rear main seal was bust. A five doller seal would cost me over two grand to replace because it's a V-6 engine and would have to be dropped along with the transmission to get at the seal. All in all, almost $4000 in work. The car wasn't worth that, and he said that he wouldn't even drive the car home. I was upset because I was really hoping to keep driving that car for at least two more years. I only had five more payments.... Naturally....

So then James and I decided that since I've never owned a new car in my life, now was as good a time as any, since Moss Motors had just had their car show and they were totally overstocked. They were giving great deals on new vehicles. So we went there and got fantastic service. Not only did they give us 4% interest, but they also gave us $2,500 for my pile of junk for a trade in!! I told the saleswoman what I was looking for, and she found it for me.... on the SHOWROOM FLOOR!!!!

I loved it the second I saw it. It gets 30 miles to the gallon IN TOWN and FORTY on the highway!!!! Yahoooooo!!!! It has an outlet to plug in an iPod, and even the Accords don't have that yet. Not until the 2008 body styles come out. That's why we went with the Civic. It's only three inches smaller than the accord, but gets better gas mileage and was cheaper. It also has a spoiler on it, and the coolest paint color- borrego beige metallic. Plus this one had been detailed for the showroom. What a bonus. It only had 14 miles on it when we drove it off the floor. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Can you tell I've never owned a new car in my life??!!
This is the dash... very hip and cool with two levels!!! And cool blue lighting!! (I was so stuck in the 90s...)
And it has a SUN ROOF!!!! I've never had a car with a SUN ROOF!!!! I've had cars with carpet that hung from the roof that we had to tack to keep in place.... but never a sun roof!! I feel like we won the lotto. So blessed. So blessed.So now we are a Honda family. My sister has one, and now I have one... and we think we've all but convinced Linda to go Honda... :)

God sure did make a way for us to get a new car. He turned what was a miserable situation into something wonderful. Hooray!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I Killed Kodak Moments

I got rid of my photography blog. If you wanna check out my photos, email me and I'll get you the web address. Have a great day!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Evan's Big Day

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
~Proverbs 22:6

My best buds, Chalan and Melissa, and our little buddy Evan John Thibodeaux, had a big day today. Today Evan had his baby dedication at church. And man, it was a big time. Bro. Mike blessed them and prayed over the family, and all their friends and family were there to see it.
Then we got to go to the Bordlee's and have a real good time. We all ate Mrs. Kathi's great food while Evan slept through the whole thing. Sha baby...

Here's the happy family... I think they love him. :)


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Festival International, Part Deux

The last group that we heard was called Amazones: Women Drummers of Guinnea. They were very energetic and fun to watch them as they played their percussion instruments. They were very tight and they made you wanna move to their groove!
For me, besides jamming to the beat, I was all into learning about shooting close ups with a zoom lens. When you work with a telephoto lens (mine is a 300 zoom) you really need to work with a tripod or monopod in order to cut down on camera shake. At the festival, I didn't have the convenience of setting up a tripod, so I had to steady my camera on a fence, a stage corner, or just with my hands. Luckily, I got a few that weren't blurry! Go figure!
The whole time I was at the festival I kept thinking to myself, I wonder if we'll get to go to huge concerts like this in Heaven. Then it dawned on me, OF COURSE WE WILL!!! We'll hear sounds and see things that we can't even begin to imagine!!

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.
I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be
where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."
~John 14:1-4