Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Christmas Wreath

The Christmas wreath has significant meaning for the Christmas season. The circular shape represents eternity- the unending circle of life. The evergreen symbolizes growth and everlasting life. Holly branches have thorns which represent the thorns on Jesus' crown when He was crucified. Bright red holly berries symbolize Jesus' blood that was shed for us.
Isn't it awesome that even though this season celebrates the Savior's birth, His death and resurrection is hidden in all the little details? Our God is so good.
Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


My sister- Tammy Deluca- was just diagnosed with recurring cervical cancer, stage 4, with extensive metastasis to her pelvis. The cancerous growths vary in size from 5mm to 50mm throughout her pelvis. We are encouraged that Tammy is young, strong, and ready to fight. We believe that God is bigger than any cancer and He is the great physician and can heal her with one breath! Please pray for Tammy and for us as we conquer this together!!!! Jesus did it first-

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” ~Isaiah 53:5

Thank you, Jesus, for the amazing sacrifice you made for all of us on that cross. You died for us so that we may live through you. I pray tonight for Tammy to live that life that she was meant to live, in VICTORY- and to be able to claim her complete healing in YOU and through YOU, Lord God. You are the sustainer of life (Psalm 91:16). You are the Great Physician (Luke 4:23).

And I pray this over Tammy tonight:
“May the Spirit of the LORD rest on TAMMY and all her physicians— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. ~ Isaiah 11:2

If you are praying for her, please email me at and let me know so we can add you to our list we're compiling. We are hoping to have representatives from all fifty states praying for her!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

SNOW, anyone?

Yes, folks.... SNOW in Southwest Louisiana. I think it was a little birthday gift from God. :)
This was my house at 6:45am.

Here's Julie's "JuJu's" house!

My view on the way to school. Funny, eh?

I felt like I was back in Ohio. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Birthday Boycott

Caryn's Top Five reasons I do NOT want a birthday this year:

#5: 37 is so close to 40 that people might actually start assuming you already ARE 40 when clearly you aren't.... But you're closer than ever to the "40" club.

#4: 37 is not the age where you can brag that you're still really young. Cuz you AIN'T.

#3: 37 is the point of no return- you can't say you're in your mid 30s anymore, because you're NOT. You are diving head first into the treacherous 40's and there's no where to hide.

#2: 37 is like a freight train on a collision course with "Middle aged."and the number one reason Caryn does not want a birthday this year.....

#1: 37. Nothin pretty about THAT number...