Sunday, October 12, 2008

Amazing Worship

I had an awesome time of worship on Saturday night!! Rita Springer was in concert over the weekend at Hope Alive Church. It was an amazing time of worship. Rita has an amazing anointing on her, and when she sits at the piano and begins playing, a hush descends over the entire building. It was breath-taking to be in the midst of it all. It's incredible to see someone being obedient to the call that God has placed on her life. Great stuff. God is so good.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

TV Fast

How about going in with me for a TV fast? October is a PERFECT month to do a TV fast because there's so much halloween JUNK on TV during this month. I am going to try to fast, so if you wanna join me, come on!! I hope to do it this whole month... pray for me!!