Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is a picture of the strongest person I know. My sister.
When you grow up with a sibling, you feel like you know them inside and out. But when cancer hits, you find out just how amazingly courageous they are. And you realize what a TRUE blessing it is to have them in your life. I hope I will be able to handle life's "happenings" the way Tammy has- with grace, dignity, humility, and with courage and and unwavering faith in God, our Healer. My sister is my hero.


" HIS wounds we are healed..." ~Isaiah 53:5

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Cheer.... in January

(Better late than never!)

Thursday, January 08, 2009

More Prayers Needed

Tammy goes today to the hospital to do paperwork for her chemo and get the whole process going. The nurse at Oncologics told her that the staff at the hospital will try to fit her in to get a mediport put in today. PLEASE pray for us that this happens!! The sooner the mediport is put in, the sooner we can start fighting this mess with chemo. We are already fighting it with PRAYER!!!! THANKS GUYS!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Hope 2009 brings GOOD NEWS for everyone this year.