Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And the winner is...

The gym where I work out had an eight week challenge for its members. Anyone who is a member could sign up and compete. So I did. I signed up, and on September 15th, the gym staff took my measurements, weight, and all that fun stuff. On November 15th, we went back into the gym and they re-measured us and re-weighed us. And guess who won?
I know! It's SHOCKING. Can you believe? I surely can't believe that I would ever win ANYTHING that has to do with the word FITNESS. I think it's an amazing testimony to what God has done and IS doing through my life. I give him (and so many others) so much of the credit to my accomplishment. Allow me to list a few folks that I'm most thankful to:
Dr. Paul Landreneau. Dr. L is my GP, and he recommended that I start adding in weight training to my exercise routine after I complained to him about depression and weight gain after having the baby. Three months after his recommendation, I went back to him and was 20lb lighter. Thanks for the great advice!
Sheila Plunkett. Sheila took time with me at the gym and put me on a workout routine that is helping me knock off the pounds, add some muscle, and rev up my metabolism. She's also given me great comfort and advice when I injured my foot. THANKS SHEILA!!
Phyllis Broussard. Phyllis is the P.E. coach at my school. She is the one who told me over a YEAR ago to get on a bike and I would see drastic results in inches lost on my legs. And finally a year later, I believe her. The inches are definitely coming off and I'm so thankful to her for that great advice.
Joy LaHasky. Joy is a fourth grade teacher at my school who had double fasciitis surgery in her feet. She gave me great advice, stretches, and referred me to a great orthopedic foot specialist in town. Thanks, Joy!
Dr. Chris Hebert. He put my foot in a cast and made me aware of the fact that not only did I tear my tendon, but I also fractured the calceneus (heal bone).
My family. Without the support of my family, I would still be over 200 lbs. My husband, who always makes me feel beautiful, has been the voice of encouragement. Aunt Linda and my mom have been my biggest cheerleaders. Tammy has been so awesome because she joined the gym with me and has been my workout partner for the past month.
And my friends, church family, and co-workers who have been so supportive over the last four months. You guys are awesome and I'm blessed beyond words that you are in my life. I have nothing but gratitude in my heart for all of you.
I have not reached my goal yet, but I can see it in the not-so-distant future.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly
as you teach and admonish one another
with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms,
hymns and spiritual songs
with gratitude in your hearts to God.”

Monday, November 19, 2007


You think I have pink eye, or what?
I never had this stuff before I had kids.... sheeesh!